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Wouldn’t you like to earn more and become “stickier” with your customers, without having to invest a lot of money in additional staff and training? We’d like to invite you to a brief, informative webinar by NeoNova to learn how.

Software purchases will continue to grow in 2015.
Google & Microsoft enjoy tremendous growth. You are invited to a brief, informative webinar…learn how you can easily start selling these popular products now!

Telecom Brokers has partnered with NeoNova, a premier Cloud Services Management company, to provide you with a comprehensive set of SaaS cloud offerings to add to your portfolio.

Included in 40 Minute Training:

• Microsoft Office 365
• Google Apps for Work™
• Cloud-based compliance tools, cloud files, cloud servers, cloud site hosting and cloud disaster recovery
• End-to-end service, including setup, training, migration, 24x7x365 support, and strategic services
• Questions?


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