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OneStream Networks







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About Company

With corporate headquarters in Rochester, NY, OneStream Networks is purpose-built for enterprise-grade cloud-based SIP trunk, SD-WAN, Cloud PBX and Cisco Certified Flex CJP Contact Center and UCaaS. With availability in 200+ countries, global strategic peering networks, geo-redundant POPs and multi-provider MPLS transport options, OneStream delivers unparalleled scope and reach for SIP trunking and Cloud PBX/UC services. OneStream has become the standard for enterprise customers, VARs, and agents looking to create cost-savings, consolidation, vendor reduction and simplified management for single site and multi-site, multi-national voice applications. Customers and VARs/Agents count on OneStream for certified solutions (Cisco and others) and best-in-class performance, reliability and support.

Sweet Spots

  • Sell Globally with One Provider.

  • Contact Center (ACD) –  Cisco Customer Journey Platform, Enterprise and Call Center Class Capabilities

  • Global UCaaS – Cisco UC-One, Any device, Anywhere, Convenience, Access

  • Global Origination: Port existing numbers and/or assign new DID/DDI numbers globally.

  • Global Termination: In-country toll free and other special digit localization.

  • Global Localization: Hosted PBX end points and SIP trunks are customized to the country of deployment.

  • Meshed Data Centers for Reliability

  • Migration Strategies allow customers to migrate painlessly from TDM.

  • PRI circuits to SIP trunks or between Hosted PBX and SIP trunking as business needs evolve.

  • SIP Trunking – Efficiencies, Scalability, Dynamic, Survivable, Global DID/DDis and In-country Termination

  • BYOB MPLS – Use Existing MPLS for Best-practices Voice QoS

  • SD-WAN – Any Network Format, Everywhere/Globally, NGF

  • Disaster-Proof Design: Five high-availability, geographically redundant Super-POP data centers located in NYC, LA, London, Frankfurt and Hong Kong with Sydney, Australia planned for Q4.

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