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2 min read

May 08, 2019

Digital Transformation is Now

Written by Nancy Ridge, Executive Vice President, Telecom Brokers

Cloud has been a topic for 8 years. I recently attended IDC Directions 2018 where one of their analysts saw my Telecom Brokers badge and said, “You know the telco’s invented the word cloud. Remember ATM and Frame Relay in the little clouds?” And because I’ve been doing this a while, I remembered.

A passionate cloud evangelist, I’ve attended, sponsored, promoted and presented cloud solutions to end user customers and agent partners for the majority of those 8 years. As of today, some are on board and embracing digital transformation and others steadfastly refuse to acknowledge the huge shift we are in the midst of. I’ve decided my first question to potential partners and customers is now going to be; “What is your strategy for digital transformation?” and the second question will be, “Where are you on that journey today?”

From my perspective, being a part of this revolution (make no mistake, it’s a revolution!) is exciting and challenging. As we see companies massively changing their business models, opportunities abound. For example, organizations that are adopting agile, dev ops or SCRUM, UCaaS will be an enabler. Companies will move into multi-cloud environments which will be best served by ecosystems of specialized service providers. In creating these ecosystems, my years of experience and deep relationships in the Channel play an important part in bringing value and bringing it quickly.

Technologies like SD-WAN will bring the app delivery to the edge of the network where it’s needed for IoT. Robust, secure networks will allow industries like retail, healthcare and manufacturing to develop AI, and machine learning to help them innovate to remain competitive while heavy focus on network security in distributed environments will support the development of blockchain as an operating environment for the financial and complex distribution industries.

These are the conversations that will make a difference. Telecom Brokers has always had service and sales enablement at our core. We are ready to engage and support our customers and agent partners to innovate in this hyper converged digital economy. Let’s Get to It.

With over 20 years experience as a consultant and hands on executive at a telecommunications reseller (an “Inc. 500” winner!); my passion is delivering the best solutions in terms of technology, cost, contract flexibility and quality to my customers.

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